Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Família boot liu iha mundo: mane ho fén 39, oan 94 no bei-oan 33

  • Ziona Chana hela hamutuk ho sira hotu iha uma andar ida ho kuartu 100
  • Ninia fén  sira troka malu atu toba ho nia
  • Presiza manu bokur 30 atu tein hahan kalan dala ida
Ziona Chana maka xefe ba família boot liu iha mundo – no nia dehan katak nia hetan  ’grasa’  hodi hetan nia fén nain 39 ne’e.
Ziona Chana mos iha oan 94, feto foun 14 no bei-oan 33.
Sira hela iha uma andar haat ho kuartu 100 nebé harí iha laletek suco Baktwang iha estadu Mizoram, India, nebé ninia fén sira toba iha dormitorios comúm boot (giant communal dormitories).

Ziona nia família tomak ho member hamutuk nain181

Fatin ne’e hanesan tiha hotél: ho kuatu 100, Ziona  nia uma ne’e mak uma boot liu ona iha suco Baktawng iha Mizoram, India

Sr Chana dehan ba the Sun: ‘Ohin hau sente hanesan Maromak nia oan especial ida. Nia fó ema barak mai hau atu haré no kuidadu.
‘Hau konsidera hau nia-an mane sorte ida nebé sai hanesan la’en ba feto nain 39 no hanesan xefe ba família boot ida iha mundo ne’e.’

Família ne’e organizadu ho displina nebé kuaze hanesan militar, no fén  primeiro (fén  boot) Zathiangi mak organiza nia feto maluk (fén sira seluk) atu hala’o servisu uma laran hanesan hamós, fase no prepara hahán lor-loron.

Hahán kalan nian dala ida presiza manu boot 30, fehuk-europa mais ou menus kilo 60 no tein foos mais ou menus kilo 100. Sorte mos, tamba Sr Chana hanesan xefe ba sekte (parte husi religiao) ida nebé permite nia membru bele hola fén  barak komforme nia hakarak no bele.

Orgulho los! Fén  Senior sira husi família Chana hatudu sasan nebé presiza hodi te’in dala ida ba hahán kalan ida nian


Fén sira ho hau: Sr Ziona Chana hasai foto ho nia fén nain 39 iha sira nia uma iha Baktawng

Husi fén  sira ne’e, nia kaben ho nain sanulu iha tinan ida deit, wainhira nia sei forte, nia mos gosta toba iha ninia kama double bed, no ninia fén sira toba iha sira nia dormitório komunal rasik iha uma ne’e.

Sr. Chana haruka nia fén  sira be idade kiik liu (nurak) toba iha kuartu nebé besik ninia kuartu, no fén sira nebé idade liu uitoan ona, toba dook uitoan husi ninia kuartu,  no iha sistema rotasaun se mak bele ba “vizita” Sr. Chana iha ninia kuartu. Rinkmini, Sr. Chana nia fén ida nebé tinan 35, dehan katak: ‘Ami hela besik nia tamba nia mak ema importante liu iha uma ne’e. Nia mak mane bonito liu uha ami nia suco ne’e.

Nia dehan, Sr. Chana hetan nia wainhira nia la’o hela iha suco nia laran tinan 18 liu ba, no nia hakerek karta mai hau husu atu hau kaben ho nia.

Kuartu toba: fatin balu hanesan dormitorio asrama, – Uma ba Jerasaun Foun

Ninia fén  ida seluk, Huntharnghanki, dehan katak ema hotu iha família uma laran, hare malu diak. Sistema família ida ne’e bazeia ba “hadomi malu no respeitu”

No Sr. Chana, nebé ninia membru sekte iha nain 4,000 dehan katak nia seidauk para atu buka tan fén foun,
“Atu habelar no expand hau nia Secte, hau mos hakarak atu ba to’o Estadus Unidos da America atu kaben ho feto balu husi nebá,’ nia dehan.

Ninia oan ida ejiji katak Sr Chana, nebé nia avó mane mos iha fén barak, tenke kaben ho feto kiak sira iha suco laran atu nune’e nia bele tau matan ba sira.


Hau nia komentariu pessoal wainhira le tiha notisias ida ne'e:
Hau so la kumpriende mak ne’e:
Nia iha fen 39, kalo nia fahe rata-rata nia toba ho fen ida kalan ida, ne katak fen 8 ka 9 la kebagian jatah (fulan ida loron 30 ka 31, maibe fen iha 39). Ne mos katak, kada fen berhubungan ho nia rata-rata dala ida deit fulan ida.
Imajina to’ok, kada fen eziji nia toba ho sira semana ida dala tolu entaun (3 x 4 weeks x 39 wives) = 468. Ne katak, katuas ne tenke melayani (berhubungan rata-rata sebanyak 468 kali dalam sebulan)

Agora 468 kali dalam sebulan ne’e dibagikan ho 30 hari, hasilnya = 15.6 kali.
Berarti, rata-rata satu hari, katuas ne’e tenke berhubungan sebanyak 16 kali.
Imajina to’ok 16 dalam sehari..??

Analisis seidauk hotu

Katakanlah, setiap kali nia ML, makan waktu 1 jam. Itu berarti rata-rata dibutuhkan 16 jam ba nia per hari hanya untuk nge-sex. Dari 24 jam per hari dikurangi 8 jam kerja cari uang dikurangi 16 kerja ranjang, pas deit, = 0 jam.

Herankai… Nia laiha mos tempu atu toba pa..


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Good to Know



Great Pictures Pictures


10 Planes That Mysteriously Vanished Without A Trace

As the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 continues to grip the world's imagination, there have been several other flights throughout aviation history that never made it to their destinations. Since no wreckage or bodies have ever been recovered in these instances, the mystery surrounding them continues.
1. It has been confirmed that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, west of Perth, Australia. Some debris has been spotted in the area, but has yet to be identified as being from Flight 370.

What we know so far: the Boeing 777 – carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members – disappeared from radar approximately an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia. The plane, heading for Beijing, China, was declared lost by the Malaysian government five hours after take off. It was last detected at a normal cruising altitude of 35,000 feet about 140 miles southwest of Vietnam's southernmost province.
Four days after the flight disappeared, Malaysian officials revealed evidence that the plane had turned toward the Malacca Strait, which put it on the opposite side of the Malay Peninsula, away from its scheduled route.
Combined with the knowledge that that the 777 changed altitude – first reaching 45,000 feet and then dropping to about 23,000 feet – and may have flown for as many as six hours after the last official message received, investigators believe that catastrophic failure is a highly unlikely scenario and the change in direction was, in fact, intentional.
As of this writing, several countries have joined in the search – now spanning many oceans and continents – for the missing jet, but there is still no trace of the aircraft or any concrete explanation to the cause of its disappearance.

2. A Boeing 727 is stolen from an airport in Luanda, Angola

On May 25, 2003, a Boeing 727-223 aircraft was stolen from the Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Luanda, Angola.
The former American Airlines jet was owned by the Miami-based company Aerospace Sales & Leasing, and being leased to TAAG Angola Airlines at the time of its disappearance. Ben Charles Padilla – a certified flight engineer, aircraft mechanic, and private pilot – and helper John Mikel Mutantu were working with Angolan mechanics to return the 727 to flight-ready status after a business deal gone bad. Neither man could fly it – Mutantu was not a pilot and Padilla had only a private pilot's license. A 727 requires a three person trained crew.

3. A jet transporting military personnel vanishes over the Pacific Ocean in the early days of the Vietnam War

On March 16, 1962, Flight 739 was charted by the U.S. military to transport Army personnel and South Vietnamese from Travis Airforce Base in California to South Vietnam. The Super Constellation propeller jet had 96 passengers and a crew of 11.
After refueling in Guam, the plane headed for the Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines, but never made it. It went down somewhere in the Western Pacific. No wreckage or bodies were ever recovered. An hour after Flight 739's last radio communication, a Standard Oil tanker reported an explosion in the sky.

4. Popular big band leader disappears on a flight over the English Channel

On December 15, 1944, big band leader Glenn Miller was scheduled to fly from an RAF base in England to Paris to play a show. His plane, a Norseman C-64 aircraft, never arrived.
Miller joined the war effort in 1942, at the peak of his popularity as a musician. At 38, he was already too old to be drafted, but wrote the Army in hopes of leading its band. The Army accepted him, and he was promoted to Major in 1944.

5. Amelia Earhart vanishes over the Pacific while attempting to circumnavigate the globe

Aviation pioneer and author Amelia Earhart's disappearance is perhaps the most enduring and well known in aviation history.
Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. On June 2, 1937, her Lockheed Electra disappeared during a failed attempt to circle the globe. She and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared near Howland Island in the mid-Pacific.

6. A squadron of five planes disappears over the Bermuda Triangle

Artist's depiction of the five TBM Avengers that disappeared.
On December 5, 1945, five U.S. Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers – Flight 19 – took of from Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station on an over water navigation training flight. All five planes and the 14 men on them disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle.
Two hours into the flight, Flight 19's squadron leader reported his compasses had failed and his position was unknown. The other planes also reported similar malfunctions. Two more hours of confused messages occurred, with the last one being from the squadron leader calling for his men to ditch their aircraft because they were running out of fuel.

7. A Brazilian cargo plane carrying $1 million in art disappears

A Varig Boeing 707-379C similar to the one involved in the accident.
In 1979, a Varig Brazilian Airlines cargo jet vanished a half an hour after takeoff from Narita International Airport in Tokyo.

8. A DC-4 carrying members of the U.S. military vanishes near Anchorage

A DC-4 Canadian Pacific Air Lines jet vanished en route from Vancouver to Tokyo on July 21, 1951.
When the plane was 90-minutes out from its stopover in Anchorage, Alaska, it was on schedule, but it soon hit bad weather. There was heavy rain, icing conditions and visibility was only 500 feet. That report was the last anyone heard from the aircraft and though an extensive search was carried out, nothing was ever found.

9. A plane traveling from the mid-Pacific to Los Angeles disappears after claiming engine problems

In 1964, a DC-4 transport plane carrying 9 passengers disappeared on its way to Los Angeles from Wake Island in the mid-Pacific.
The plane's last radio transmission came from 500 miles southwest of Los Angeles, with the pilot claiming engine problems.
Navy searchers found an oil slick and some claimed to see a plane's tail sinking into the ocean, but no trace of the DC-4 or its passengers were ever found. (Source)

10. 58 people aboard a DC-4 aircraft are lost in the waters of Lake Michigan

In June 1950, 58 people lost their lives when Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 disappeared over the waters of Lake Michigan, en route from New York to Minnesota.

Boats and planes scoured the lake for a week after the disaster, but with the exception of a small amount of debris and human remains floating on the waters of Lake Michigan, no wreckage has ever been found and no explanation ever given as to the cause of the crash.